Full rocket league planned for cellular devices, such as fortnite

The Rocket League plan leaked this week’s Epic Games vs. Apple Court Case. In a document called “Epic Games presentation on the 2021” plan, a number of rocket league data was delivered. Two different types of rocket leagets will appear on mobile devices, including “2D” Rocket League and “Next generation clients with full experience of games on all platforms, including cellphones.”

If epic can bring fortnite to a cellular device, why is it not a rocket league? In this week’s leak documentation, it is shown that epic has a plan for cellular alpha and beta “long before being released on other platforms.” It is also recommended that this cellular beta will appear in Q2 of 2021. That means we can see a rocket league on cellular devices at the end of June, 2021.

It was also shown that there will be a rocket league “rebuilt for touch control.” The game version seems more a side scroll situation, with social graphics along with a list of console and PC friends and cross platform gameplay. This is a different release of several 3rd party initiatives which are also called the 2D Rocket League.

This 2D version (aka what is the SideSwipe rocket league) is different from the 3D version, and will appear that the two versions in development at the same time. The documentation appears “contributed by the threshold” and is almost certainly part of the court process that occurs this week. Maybe the psyonix / epic plan described in the document may change since the document was first made – but we cross our finger for multi-game, multi-platform futures seem to describe.

What other games have you played on a PC or console that you believe must (potentially) available on your mobile device? We speak full, original, ready to roll, not just streaming. Is it time for us to start talking about considering cellular devices as one of the default platforms for all games when they are developed for PC, Xbox, and Playstation?

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